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Life Membership

Life membership may be bestowed on a member for distinguished service to sport in the Balmain Zone over a number of years. Life membership may be conferred by the Association for distinguished service to sport at the school and zone level. 

  • It will be expected that candidates for Life Membership will have made an outstanding contribution to school sport over a lengthy period (7+ years) at various levels. 

  • Nominations for life membership, accompanied by a statement of the qualifications of the nominee, should reach the Secretary at least one month prior to the end-of-year AGM. Each nominee’s case is decided on its merit. 

  • Nominations for life membership are to come from the school. (The Executive may contact schools to ask for nominations.) Nominations shall be considered by the executive and they will make a recommendation to the end-of-year AGM. 

  • Nominations are confidential and the nominee should not know until the AGM announcement. 

  • Election shall be successful if the majority of the Executive are in the affirmative. 

  • Life Members may attend meetings, and speak for or against any motion, but may not vote unless they are present in another capacity.

Life Members of the Balmain PSSA are:


 Larissa Seleni   (Kegworth Public School) 

 Sue Stephens    (Annandale North Public School)


 Claire Mitchell    (Stanmore Public School) 

 Robert Cormack   (Birchgrove Public School)

 Michael Roberts   (Kegworth Public School) 

 Tim Bellamy    (Petersham Public School)

 Michele Peel-Yates   (Fort Street Public School) 

 Kellie Woodbine    (Annandale Public School)

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